Evelyn Davis Named President-Elect of the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys

October 6, 2021 – Press Release

October 6, 2021 (Atlanta, GA) – Evelyn Fletcher Davis, a senior partner at Hawkins Parnell & Young, was recently named President-Elect of the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys (ADTA). She will serve as President in the 2022-2023 term. She has been a member of the organization since 2010 and has held numerous leadership positions in the organization, including two terms on the ADTA Board of Directors.

“I’m very honored to have been selected and excited for everything that we have in store,” shared Evelyn. “The ADTA celebrated their 80 year anniversary this year and is made up of the most highly regarded trial attorneys across the nation. I’m fortunate to consider many to be my extended family.”

Evelyn holds leadership positions with ADTA’s affiliate organizations DRI, Federation of Defense & Corporation Counsel (FDCC), and International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC). She is embarking on a second term on the DRI Board of Directors.