Asbestos Defense Strategic Summit

November 11, 2009 at 1:00pm5:30pm
Fountainbleau Hotel

Miami Beach, Florida

Hawkins Parnell & Young is a co-sponsor of the inaugural Asbestos Defense Strategic Summit in Miami Beach, Florida. Among the attorneys presenting is Evelyn Fletcher Davis, David Marshall, Peter York, and Allen Lockerman.


  • Substantial Factor, Factual Cause: What is the standard? New Trial Evidentiary Methods. How To Get Your Jury To Accept The Defense? A panel of speakers including defense lawyers and jury consultants.
  • "Every Breath" and "Every Exposure" opinions: Rulings and Approaches How to cross the experts, what cases to use, and what articles are best.
  • Medical Update: What is new? How to effectively use cigarette use in a mesothelioma case? Lawyers and a physician discuss.
  • State of the Art- A Forgotten Defense? How to evaluate whether SOA fits? What questions to ask at trial. How to prepare the jury in voir dire.
  • U.S.Navy as the EMPTY CHAIR? The existing successes with this defense. How to use the documents and memos. How to create the issue..
  • Friction Products: Life after GM and Chrysler, and the realities for friction defendants: Lawyers and IH demonstrate the correct approaches, the downsides, and the articles that you need.
  • The Fiber Type Issue and the Chrysotile Defense: The articles, charts, and discussions of effective techniques.
  • Litigation Trends and Predictions 2009: Where are the cases going to be filed? How many will there be? Who are the lawyers? New plaintiff firms, Alliances, and Realignments.
  • Longo Greatest Hits and How To Deal With Them: A review of the work place simulations and suggestions for trial approaches.
  • Plaintiff and Defense Experts: An in-depth approach to these witness with suggestions for cross and use.
  • The Bankruptcy Trusts: Experts show you how to get what you need.
  • The Employer as the EMPTY CHAIR: Some suggestions on new approaches to cases with exposure dates after 1971.
  • 2009 Trials and Verdicts: Where were the trials and what were the verdicts?
  • Talc and Vermiculite Cases Update: What is the prospect?
  • The Government Contractor Defense: What is the current status and how do you best use it
  • Medicare Secondary Payer Issues