The Knowledge Group: ERISA Litigation in 2019 and Beyond

April 17, 2019 at 3:00pm4:00pm (EST)

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 sets forth the guiding principles of employee benefit plans for private and other non-governmental entities. By setting the minimum standards required, ERISA regulates administration and investment practices which have long helped and protected employees from issues and disputes relating to corporate plans.

However, despite its benefits, ERISA is an ever-growing area of law which oftentimes causes confusion among non-expert plan holders, as reflected by the increasing number of litigations every year. This reinforces the need for businesses and their counsel to keep themselves abreast of the recent ERISA litigation updates to put themselves in the best position.

In a live webcast, a panel of thought leaders and practitioners assembled by The Knowledge Group will discuss the significant and latest issues surrounding ERISA litigation. Speakers will provide an in-depth discussion of the law, guided by recent case laws and decisions. They will also offer important litigation insights in 2019 and beyond.

Key topics include:

  • The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974: Nuts and Bolts
  • ERISA Claims and Preemptions
  • Relevant Case Laws and Decisions
  • Litigation Trends and Updates
  • 2018 ERISA Litigations and Its Implications in the Upcoming Year
  • Practical Tips

Who should attend:

  • ERISA Counsel
  • Retirement Plan Financial Professionals
  • Human Resource & Benefits Personnel
  • Litigation Officers
  • Employee Benefits & Compensation Lawyers and Consultants
  • Employee Benefits & Compensation Officers
  • Employees
  • Employers
  • Employment Law Attorneys
  • Private and Public Companies
  • Other Interested/Related Professionals