Capital Area Paralegal Association and Paralegal Division District 4 3rd Annual Joint Spring 2017 CLE Seminar: Litigation Nuts and Bolts - Trial Prep and Voir Dire
March 24, 2017 at 8:00am – 4:30pm (CST)
Thompson Conference Center at the University of Texas
Austin, Texas
Ranelle Meroney and Amy Welborn are speaking at the joint conference of Capital Area Paralegal Association (CAPA) and the Paralegal Division District 4 3rd Annual Joint Spring 2017 CLE Seminar. They will present on preparing witnesses for trial.
CAPA is a voluntary non-profit corporation comprised of paralegals and legal assistants, students, and vendors in Austin, Texas and the Central Texas area. CAPA was organized in September 1978 by a small group of pioneering paralegals and has since grown into the largest Texas affiliate of NALA - The Paralegal Association.